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Human Resources_Discussion 4.1

Human Resources_Discussion 4.1

Q Organizations can avoid investing in training and development activities because it is difficult to quantify the ROI (return on investment). As a manager who has identified a need for training and development in your organization, develop a training and development proposal to be presented to the leadership team. Include a brief overview of different delivery methods for training and development, expected outcomes, and potential return on investment. Include a citation for your research.

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The methods of delivery utilized by a firm for the employees’ development and training are mentioned below: ? Discussion method: This method will be used for the employees to be motivated and behaviors of theirs will be modified through giving an insight regarding certain figures and facts. ? On the job training: The procedure of one-to-one training will be utilized by method of on-the-job training. The immediate supervisors or the technical experts of the employees provide it. It consists of coaching, apprenticeship training, and mentoring.